Sunday, March 30, 2008

Soccer Fitness & Nutrition Guide

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." ~Pele.

While people are born with talent, and a passion for soccer can be discovered in just an instant, becoming a champion doesn’t happen overnight. It takes years of practice, conditioning, and perseverance to turn your body into a goal-scoring and game-winning phenomenon. But it’s worth it.

Why? Because some things are beyond your control. For example, some bodies are just better built for soccer than others (just like some people have a better body type for basketball or gymnastics than others). But there are a great many things that are within your power to change and create. One of those things is your ability to transform your body from a reasonably fit athlete to the most amazing soccer player it could ever be.

Look at it this way: Scoring a goal always feels good. But it feels great, no, it fantastic when you score a game-winning goal after years of hard work and training. Don’t leave your pride to a stroke of luck. Earn it, and soccer will take on a new dimension of satisfaction.

You're also more likely to score goals when you're fit, especially when everyone else is tired at the end of the game. You'll have a reserve of energy in the tank for the last ten minutes of the game.

By getting the most out of your body, you’ll be well on your way to getting the most out of soccer. Yet, it’s much easier said than done. By reading this guide, you’ve taken the first step to reaching the peak of your performance in soccer. The rest is up to you:

After this, I will find more articles about foods and nutrition’s for soccer player.

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